Promotional Activities

People in the world love Super Million Hair
We have Super Million Hair promotional activities on television commercials, The Shopping Channel, in newspapers, and in magazines. We also join international exhibitions, and are welcomed by people all over the world. There are people in over 70 countries who love Super Million Hair.

Displayed at exhibitions in Japan and abroad.
Exported to over 70 countries.

Exported to over 70 countries Displayed at exhibitions in Japan and abroad. Exported to over 70 countries. We want people around the world who have problems with thinning hair to try Super Million Hair.
Exhibition in Italy
Exhibition in Italy
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
Spectators at our demonstrations are amazed when they witness participants’ transformation.
All participants in the demonstration were extremely pleased with the results.
The people at Super Million Hair understand the universal problem of thinning hair.

In newspapers and magazines

before/after We have worldwide promotional activities on regular TV and via satellite broadcasting, on the radio, in local and business papers, and in weekly magazines.
Customers worldwide are kept up-to-date on RUAN’s latest news.

Product Introduction

for MEN
Customer Feedback
The voice of Professional
Promotional Activities